European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies ERA-NET (CHIST-ERA)

Call Opens

17th February 2025 (14:00 local Irish time)


15th April 2025 (16:00 local Irish time)

CHIST-ERA is looking for transformative and highly multidisciplinary research projects. They should explore new ideas with potential for significant scientific and technical impacts in the long term. Each year, CHIST-ERA launches a call for research proposals in new topics of emergent scientific importance (the list of past call topics is available here). In the CHIST-ERA 2025 Call, the research will address the topic of: Science in your Own Language (SOL)

For projects selected for funding, each partner of the consortium will be funded separately by their respective national/regional research funding organisation. Therefore, all national/regional regulations apply.

Eligibility regulations for each funding organisation (or links to them) are given in the annex of the Call Announcement.

Additionally, each principal investigator, not just the coordinator, can contact the respective funding organisation contact point sufficiently prior to submission regarding eligibility issues. The Research Ireland National Contact Point is Marina Milić (